1. Examples abound. 例子举不胜举。
2. Free time is at a premium for him. 他很少有空。
3. I stopped short of telling him, but only just. 我差点告诉他。
4. Draw / pull up a chair and sit before me. 拉把椅子过来。
5. It takes true grit to do it. 做这件事需要真正的勇气。
6. It’s my idea of sheer bliss. 我认为这才是真正的幸福。
7. Stop badgering me. 别磨我了。
8. Sorry for that. I didn’t mean to snub. 我绝非有意怠慢。
9. Don’t overtax yourself. 别累着自己。
10. To be candid, it’s your fault. 坦率地说,是你的错。